CA Foundation (Paper 3) Business Maths and Statistics 10

Revision test 10 (09.04.2022)
Time Allowed : ½ hour Maximum Marks: 25
1) 5 persons are standing in a line one of the 2 persons at the extreme ends is a professor and the other a business man. An advocate is standing to the right of student. An author is to the left of the business man. The student is standing between the professor and advocate. Counting from the left. The author is at which place?
(a) 2nd (b) 3rd (c) 4th (d) None of these
2) Parikh is sitting between narendra and babita, charu is to the left of babita, pankaj she’s sitting between charu and ashma they all sitting around a circle facing the center then who is sitting to the right of babita?
(a) Parikh (b) Ashma (c) Charu (d) Narendr

Direction (Q. 3 – 5) Read the following information carefully to answer the give questions.
Six members of a family namely A, B, C, D, E and F are travelling together. ‘B’ is the son of C but C is not the mother of B. A and C are married couple. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A. F is the brother of B.
3) How many male members are there in the family?
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 1
4) How many children does A have
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
5) Who is the mother of B?
(a) C (b) D (c) F (d) A
6) Pointing to a photograph, a Man said “His Mother husband’s sister is my aunt”. Then what is relation between a man and he?
(a) Son (b) Uncle (c) Nephew (d) Brother

7) Five boys A, B, C, D, E are sitting in a row A is to the right of B and E is to the left of B but to the right of C. A is to the left of D who is second from the left end?
(a) D (b) A (c) E (d) B
8) Four girls are seated for a photograph. Shikha is left of Reena. Manju is to the right of Reena. Rita is between Reena and Manju. Who is the second left in photograph.
(a) Reena (b) Manju (c) Rita (d) Shikha
9) Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “Me have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Whose photograph was it ?
a) His nephew’s b) His own c) His son’s d) His father’s
10) Rajiv is the brother of Atul . Sonia is the sister of Sunil. Atul is the son of Sonia. How is Rajiv related to Sonia ?
a) Nephew b) Son c) Father d) Brother
11) Looking at a woman sitting next to him, Amit said, “She is the sister of the husband of my wife”. How is the woman related to Amit ?
a) Daughter b) Sister c) Niece d) Wife
12) Shobha is the niece of Ashish. Ashish’s mother is priya. Kamla. Is priya’s mother. Kamla’s husband is hari. Krishna is the mother-in-law of hari. How is shobha related to hari?
a) great grand daughter b) grand niece C) Daughter d) None of these
13) In a joint family, there are father, mother, 3 married sons and one unmarried daughter. Of the sons two have 2 daughters each and one has a son. How many female members are there in the family?
a) 3 b) 6 c) 7 d) 9
14) A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, D is sitting next to C, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the bench. C is on the second position from the right. A is to the right of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position A is sitting ?
a)Between B and D b)Between B and C c)Between E and D d)Between C and E

Direction to solve (15-16)
Six friends P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting around the hexagonal table each at one corner and are facing the centre of the hexagonal. P is second to the left of U. Q is neighbour of R and S. T is second to the left of S
15)Which one is sitting opposite to P ?
a). R b)Q c)T d)S
16) Who is the fourth person to the left of Q ?
a)P b) U c) R d) T
17) In a class there are seven students (including boys and girls) A, B, C, D, E, F and G. They sit on three benches I, II and III. Such that at least two students on each bench and at least one girl on each bench. C who is a girl student, does not sit with A, E and D. F the boy student sits with only B. A sits on the bench I with his best friends. G sits on the bench III. E is the brother of C. How many girls are there out of these 7 students ?
a) 3 b) 3 or 4 c) 4 d) data inadequate
18) From question 17, who sits with C ?
a) B b) D c) G d) E
19) P ,Q ,R ,S ,T ,U and V are sitting on a wall facing East . R is on the immediate right of S.Q is at an extreme end and has T as his neighbour. V is between T and U.S is sitting between R and U. S is sitting third from the south end. Who is sitting 4th from North end ?
a) T b)U c)P d) S
20) Five Boys are standing in a row facing East . Pavan is left of Tavan , Vipin and Chavan to the left of Nakul . Chavan is between Tavan and Vipin . Vipin is fourth from the left, then how far is Tavan to the right ?
A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth
21) Introducing Reeta, Monica said, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter.” How is Monica related to Reeta?
a) Aunt B) sister c ) Mother d) Nephew

22) Five boys A,B,C,D and E are sitting in a stair in the following way .
I. E is above A
II. D is under B
III. B is under A
IV . D is between B and C
Who is at the lowest position of stair ?
A) A B) C C) E D) B
23) Introducing a boy , a girl said, “ He is the son of the daughter of the father of my Uncle “, who is the boy to the girl ?
a) Brother b) Nephew c) Uncle d) son in law
24) R told to M as ,” the girl , I met at the beach, was the youngest daughter of the brother in law of my friend’s mother “ . How is the girl related to R’s friend ?
a)cousin b)Daughter c)Niece d) Aunt
25)In a line, P is sitting 13th from left. Q is sitting 24th from the right and 3rd left from P. How many people are sitting in the line ?
a) 34 b) 31 c) 32 d) 33