- On admission to any course of study, every student submits himself/ herself to disciplinary jurisdiction of the Management, The In-Charge and other officers of the institute, who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under National Management College act and ordinance, Rules and Regulations that have been or will be framed by the institute.
- The students are advised to keep themselves aware of the institute rules. They are also advised to go through detailed Hostel rules and Prevention of Ragging rules given separately. Ignorance of rules shall not be an excuse for violation.
- Each student shall conduct herself/ himself, both within and outside the campus of the institute in a manner befitting a student of a prestigious institute each student shall show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, staffs of the institute, and to the visitors and residents of the institute, and good behavior to fellow students.
- Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as absence from the class. Students are not allowed to leave the institute during working hours without the written permission of the Principal.
- Loud talking, loitering or congregating, being a source of distraction and annoyance to others is not permitted.
- Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited inside the college campus. Use of cell phones would entail confiscation of the handset. Students will not operate any machinery / equipment without the permission of the instructor.
- No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
- It is compulsory for the students to attend functions / activities organized by the institute on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic day, Annual day etc whether the function falls on working day or on holiday. Absence from such functions without valid reason will invite disciplinary action.
- Students shall observe all safety precautions. The institute is not responsible in case any accident, of whatever nature, in the institute, hostel, workshop, play ground and during summer training and industrial training or educational tour/ trip.
- The students will compensate damage to institute / hostel property / furniture caused by neglect or willful damage. Defacing the walls or institute property will be viewed seriously.
- Students must make all possible efforts to conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights & fans when they leave the class room/ hostel room, lab etc. Students must help to keep the institute neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the gardens.
- Students must pay their fees/ dues on or before the prescribed deadline failing which appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Students may note that fees once paid will not be refunded / adjusted. If a student leaves the course before completion, he / she will be required to pay the fee for the entire course.
- Any student found smoking or under the influence of intoxication of alcohol / drugs in the institute or in the hostel is liable to strict disciplinary action which may be up to expulsion from the institute.
- All applications must be addressed to the CEO.
- If a student is required to remain absent for a period of 3 days or more for an essential reason, he / she is required to apply to the class in charge / head of the department and take prior permission.
- All the students are required to wear the college uniform on all working days.
- Not to write on benches, walls or doors.
- To throw the garbage only in the dustbins/garbage box.
- For any study related matters the student is required to contact the subject teacher first.
- In case of hostel related problems, the student is required to contact the concerned warden/rector first. For any additional help, he / she should contact the CEO.
- If anybody is misbehaving with the faculty or staff of the college, misbehaving in the hostel premises or college premises, on road and doing unfair means, which will damage the image of the college, is liable for the punishment.
- The student should strictly obey the rules and regulations given above.
- Violation of any of the above rules by the students shall be dealt with disciplinary action to the extent of even expelling him from the college and / or hostel. The decision of Discipline Committee (DC) shall be final and binding for the student and his parents.
- In case of severe and serious matters, if required, as separate Discipline committee may be formed by the CEO and the Principal, depending upon the nature of the matter.
- Leave Form should be produced within 3 days from the leave taken or before taking leave.
- Students should be seated only in the place allotted by the Faculty.
- Respective subject noted should be submitted to the faculties at the end of every week.
- Forming any informal group is punishable.
- Students must also to follow the time instructions framed by the Management and the Punctuality is very essential.
- Students are instructed to enter the staff room only in the time of break and lunch hours. For any clarification, is required.
- The New Rules & Regulations framed for the Academic Year 2020-21 will be applicable for all old and Newly admitted Students at any Level (Foundation/Intermediate).
On Directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide its Order dated 16.05.2007 has ordered strict implement of following rules & regulations for Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in technical Institutions.
Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established by the Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution, the possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any one or any combination of the following.
- Cancellation of admission.
- Suspension from attending classes.
- Withholding / withdrawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits.
- Debarring from appearing in any test / examination or other evaluation process.
- Withholding results.
- Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival etc.
- Suspension / expulsion from the hostel.
- Restriction from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
- Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
- Fine of Rupees 25,000/-
- Hostel accommodations is available to students belong only to NMC.
- At the time of admission of the student into the hostel and at the beginning of every year, each resident is required to submit a duly completed Personal Data Form. The telephone number of the parent with STD code must be provided. Local Guardian’s address and phone number is optional. Email of the parent (if available) should also be provided. Any change of address / telephone number of the parent / local guardian, at any point of time, has to be intimated to the College office in writing.
- The Hostel Management will generally provide minimum furniture and fittings for each room consisting of one each of cot, chair, ceiling fan with regulator and, a tube light fitting.
- Rooms once allotted to the students for an academic year will not be changed except on special situations.
- The Hostel Management, if in case of non-availability of rooms, can allot more than one person per room.
- The rooms, common areas and surroundings should be kept clean and hygienic, Notices shall not be posted on walls and walls shall not be scribbled on.
- All the girl students are expected to be in the hostel before 7.00 p.m if any student wished to be away from the hostel during the weekend, holidays or any other time, if she took (has taken) prior permission from the Warden.
- All the boy students are expected to be in the hostel before 7.00 p.m if any student wished to be away from the hostel during the weekend, holidays or any other time, if he took (has taken) prior permission from the Warden.
- In case of damage to or loss of hostel property the cost will be recovered from the students responsible for such damage or loss, if identified or from all the students of the hostel, as decided by the Management.
- Ragging of students admitted to the institute is totally banned. Any violation of this by the students will be dealt with very severely.
- Entertaining unauthorized guests will lead to severe punishment including expulsion from the hostel.
- No overnight guests are permitted in a student’s room without permission of the Warden. No person of the opposite sex, either guest or Others shall be permitted to stay overnight in any part of the hostel.
- The visit of men student to the women’s hostel and vice-versa is restricted.
- Day Scholars are not permitted to enter the hostel without prior permission from the CEO.
- Smoking, playing cards and use of intoxicating drinks / inside the hostel and college are strictly prohibited.
- Water, electric power should not be wasted.
- Students who leave / enter in to hostel should sign in the Register Book (or) Log Book.
- Students are not allowed to use mobile phones except the allotted time.
- Food should be taken/consumed at the allocated time without fail.
- Students are responsible to take care of their own belongings.
- In case of severe and serious matters, if require, a separate Discipline Committee may be formed by the CEO depending on the nature of the matter.
- Severe action will be taken against those who do not adhere to the above rules and regulations.
- All kinds of mobiles defaulters will be penalized with a fine amount of Rs.10,000/-
COLLEGE TIME 9.00 am TO 4.40 pm
Students attendance is given priority in the academic life of the college. They must secure minimum 80% to appear in chapter examinations. Students who are absent on medical ground should produce a valid medical certificate along with the Requisition Letter from Parents. Leave taken under medical ground cannot be taken in to account for attendance. A student continuously absent for 30 days without valid reason will be removed from the roll of the college. The attendance of the each student shall be totalled at the end every month and entered in the Progress Report and reported to the students / parents time to time.
All students are expected to wear the prescribed uniform on all working days. Students should wear proper fitting clothes which are considered decent and acceptable. Every boy student is expected to wear uniform with shirts Tuck-in and come with shoe socks. It should be keep in up to end of the college hours. Students are not allowed to wear T-shirts, banyans, sleeveless or shorts for classes other than the prescribed dress code.