CA Foundation (Paper 3) Business Maths and Statistics 5




Revision test 5 (29.03.2022)

 Time Allowed : ½ hour                                               Maximum Marks: 25


1) The sum of the series  7+14+21+…… 17th term is

a)1071 b)971 c)1171 d)1271

2) The sum of n terms of an A.P is  3n2 +5n . The series is

  1. a) 8,14,20,26,…. b) 8,22 , 42,68,…..

c)22,68,114,… d)8,14,28,44,……

3)The largest value of n for which  < 0.988 is

  1. a) 9 b) 6 c)7 d) 8

4) If Y = 1+x + x2 + ……………….. ∞ then x =

  1. a) b)c)d)

5)If 2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 +………….. + x = 882 then the value of x

(a) 78  (b) 80 (c) 82  (d) 86

6) In a G.P, If the fourth term is ‘3’ then the product of first seven terms is

(a) 35  (b) 37 (c) 36  (d) 38

7) The Ratio of sum of n terms of the two AP’s is (n +1) : (n–1) then the Ratio of their mth terms is

(a) (m + 1) : 2m (b) (m + 1) : (m –1)

(c) (2m –1) :(m + 1) (d) m : (m – 1)

8) In the series 25, 5, 1, …….. 1/3125 which term is 1/3125 ?
(a) 8th term  (b) 9th term
(c) 15th term  (d) None of these

9) The sum of five terms of AP is 75, find the 3rd term is.

(a) 20 (b) 30 (c) 15  (d) None of these


10)  are in AP then a,b,c are in

(a) AP (b) GP (c) HP  (d) None of these

11) The sum of series up to infinity is

(a) 25/24 (b) 19/24 (c) 1/12  (d) None of these

12) A person employed in a company at Rs 3000 per month and he would get an increase of Rs 100 per year. Find the total amount which he receives in 25 years and the monthly salary in the last year.

(a) 1380000 and 6200 (b)930000 and 5400  (c)1480000 and 7200 (d)1570000 and 4800

13) The sum of the infinite GP 0.171-0.114+0.076……… is

(a)0.1226 (b)0.1020 (c)0.1026 (d)None of these

14) The A.M and G.M of two positive numbers is 10. The numbers are

(a)(10, 10) (b)(15, 5) (c)(5, 15) (d)(20, 0)

15) The sum of all natural numbers between 100 and 1000 which are multiples of 5 is

a)98450 b)96450 c)97450 d)95450

16) The sum of AP ,whose first term is -4 and last term is 146 is 7171.find the value of n.

  1. a)99 b)100 c)101 d)102

17) On 1st January every year a person buys National Saving Certificates of value exceeding that of his last years purchase by Rs 100. after 10 years, he finds that the total value of the Certificates purchased by him is Rs 54500. find the value of Certificates purchased by him in the 1st year.

a)6000 b)4000 c)5000 d)5500

18) A certain ball when dropped to the ground rebounds to 4/5th of the height from which it falls ;it is dropped from a height of 100 meters find the total distance it travels before finally coming to rest:

a)600m b)700m c)900m d)200m

19) The sum of all two digit odd numbers is

A)2475                            B)2575                               C)4950                           D)5049

20) (k +1) , 3k and  (4k +2) be any three consecutive terms of an A.P then the value of k is

a)0                        b)1                       c)2                           d)3

21) If a, b, c are in A.P., then the line ax+by+c=0 always passes through a fixed point whose co-ordinates are

a)(1,2) b)(1,-2) c)(-1,2) d)(-1,-2)

22)  If the A.M of the roots of a quadratic equation is 85 and the A.M. of their reciprocals is 87. Then the equation is

a)5x2−8x+7=0 b)5x2−16x+7=0 c)7x2−16x+5=0 d)None of these

23) Insert 4 A.M’s between 3 and 18:

  1. a) 12,15,9,6 b)6,9,12,15 c)9,6,12,15 d)15,12,9,6

24) If, for an A.P.,Sp=Sq where p≠q, then Sp+q is

  1. a) p+q b)-(p+q) c) 0 d)none of these

25) If a, b, c are in AP then

a)a = b+c b)2b=a+c c)2a= a+b d) 2b = a+b
